Links to sites you may be interested in - the website of GROEP 85 Nijmegen - a group of artists and sculptors who come each year to Portland's Tout Quarry
Each year since Groep 85 has travelled to Portland to regenerate this area: clearing the broken glass, rusty metal and bricks, replacing the rubble with limestone, encouraging natural regeneration by native plants and animals, creating a new landform with carvings of extinct animals and ancient history, assembling a record of life carved in stone .
Antiquity Journal or Follow Antiquity on Twitter: @AntiquityJ - the website of GROEP 85 Nijmegen - a group of artists and sculptors who come each year to Portland's Tout Quarry
Each year since Groep 85 has travelled to Portland to regenerate this area: clearing the broken glass, rusty metal and bricks, replacing the rubble with limestone, encouraging natural regeneration by native plants and animals, creating a new landform with carvings of extinct animals and ancient history, assembling a record of life carved in stone .
Antiquity Journal or Follow Antiquity on Twitter: @AntiquityJ